When my grandma first moved up here from California, we would hang out watching her favorite TV shows. Nancy Grace was one of those. During our visits, I would get dragged into the story of a little girl, right around Morgan's age, who disappeared. We watched it religiously as new evidence trickled in. The partying, the lies, the tattoo, the smell of death in her car.. more lies. Then came the heartbreak when they found the poor little girl tossed out like trash in the swamp.
I watched videos on this trial. I looked at pictures.. that precious little girl reminds me so very much of Morgan. I'm not sure why, possibly because they were close to the same age at the time of her death. It breaks my heart to think about Caylee.
I admit it, as a single mom I do get frustrated at times. This is one of the hardest jobs I've ever had. I'm constantly second guessing myself. I'm constantly worried, and wondering how Morgan will act as she gets older. I'm terrified of something happening to her, because she is my miracle baby. I do find myself having to turn down invites to go do things because I have a 2 year old. During all of this, the thought that I'd be better off without Morgan in my life has not and will NEVER cross my mind.
I fought with everything I had to have Morgan. I lost babies, I lost her twin.. I spent time in bed on mandatory bed rest. I wanted her with everything I had in me. My life would not be complete without her. How any person could snuff that spark out of a tiny life is beyond me.
After watching all the evidence, looking at the photos, and hearing all the trial I feel like I knew little Caylee. I know I did not. I know this trial was not about me. I do not blame the jurors for their verdict. It was the prosecution's job to prove without a doubt that Casey Anthony killed her daughter. Unfortunately, I think they caused more questions than were answered.
In my opinion, Casey's mother and father both knew something was going on. Cindy Anthony lied on the stand, and got away with it. She also did not honor her granddaughter's life. George Anthony was a cop. He smelled death in the car and yet did nothing.
My heart is heavy tonight. I am not a Christian person. Spiritual, but I can not say religious. I do believe there is a special place in hell for people that abuse or hurt children. I also believe that while Casey Anthony may be getting out of jail soon, she will never truly be free of what she has done.
I hope everyone who was involved in the disappearance, death, and disposal of Caylee Anthony never forgets and the guilt eats them. I hope they try to find happiness, but it always eludes them. I hope their families and friends abandon them. I hope they die alone, with no one to care for them or remember them after they are gone.
Rest in peace Caylee. I hope some day Justice is served, and the true story of what happened comes out.