The cameras used to be refresh type. I believe after 30 seconds, they would upload a new picture. Technology has come a long way. Now, they have 2 cameras that are live action with SOUND! How cool is that! They still do have the refresh cameras, but they seem to have cut the safari cameras.
My only issue with Africam is the fact that they are 9 hours ahead of me, and if I really want to see any game show up I have to wait up late. Around 7pm is sun-up there. I find myself staying up late watching...finally giving up, and then popping back on before I go to sleep. The past few days I've been rewarded by staying up late. I've gotten to see zebra, buffalo, tons of birds, a leapord, a girraffe family (including a tiny little cute) and have gotten to hear lions and hyenas in the distance making noise. It's been very cool. Here's a screen shot I took the other day. VERY cool. It shows a few baby zebras. They were hanging out wtih baby buffallo. They kept running circles around each other until they finally got tired and stood around. It was so cool! If you happen to be up and around at 2:30 in the morning (yeah, I am.. LOL) The Elephant Plains (Sabi Sands Wildtuin) is currently showing a herd of buffallo, and a handful of antelope, and the Nkorho Pan camera (also Sabi Sands area, but I believe it's farther south...but I could be wrong) is also showing buffalo.
This is the screen shot of the other night.
And here is a map that shows where the two cameras are located in Sabi Sands. (Not the greatest picture, but the only one I could find.)
Orignal From: new obsession
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