Thursday, April 07, 2011

Books and the Government shutdown

I've found a lot of time to read lately.  It's something I've missed doing.  I used to be an avid reader.  I remember in school I devoured most of the fiction in my middle school during the 2 years I spent there.  I would check out 3 or 4 books and have them finished by library time the next day.  Yes.  Nerd.  Geek.  Whatever you want to call it. :)  I loved (and still do) books.
I just finished reading Dean Koontz's Velocity.  Yep, that one.------->
Creepy.. lol  That's all I'll say about that one.  My mind managed to get a little too vivid, and I had some sleepless nights.

Speaking of sleepless's after midnight and I'm still not asleep.  I'm not sure what's going on with me lately.  I'm having odd pains, dizziness, and it's hard to breathe at times.  Stress? ..Possibly..likely..very likely. Just plain sick?  Yeah, that too.

I'm in a strange mood tonight.  My thoughts are about as jumbled and random as this post is.  :(

Has anyone else heard about this whole government collapse thing going on?  WHAT??? How did I not hear about this before?  Ok, so if you are like me (spend all day on news sites, but are CLUELESS) check this out.  From what little I was able to read about it at work today, it appears that unless Congress, the President, and whoever else comes to an agreement on a budget the Government is shutting down.  Some of it will affect me...some of it will not.. but one of the biggest things that REALLY bothers me.. the military people who will be basically forced into volunteering for our government.  I realize we need a military presence.  I realize we can't lose our National Security, but are you kidding me?  For more information about the shut down ..check here and here.

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