Sunday, April 19, 2009

on a mission

I've decided I'm tired of feeling the way I do all the time. Pregnancy really took a tole on my body, and it's about time I did something about it. I've been cooking healthy, and while I want to exercise I admit, I have not yet. I need to get settled into a routine, which I haven't been able to do.
At least I'm eating healthy, and watching my portion size. I'm trying to cut soda out of my diet completely. (I have been drinking diet soda, but I don't really even need that.
Anyone have any good recipes for canned tuna? All I've got is tuna sandwiches and tuna noodle casserole, which don't get me wrong, are tasty....but what what else CAN you do with tuna?

Orignal From: on a mission

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