Monday, March 07, 2011

Bucket List

I've been thinking about death a lot lately.  I can hardly believe it's almost been two months since my grandma died.  It feels like it's been a year.  It still hasn't gotten any better.  There are times when I have to force myself to think of something else so I do not cry.  Today was really hard at work.  I'm not even sure why.  I heard the church bells start ringing at 1 and I had to fight not to cry.  Neither of us went to church, so I'm not really sure why the bells hit me, but they did.  I'm just glad a few friends were able to distract me long enough to get me laughing again. :)

I am thankful that she had a long, full life.  She accomplished so much in her life.  Her dedication to the ABC Club was inspiring.  She's touched so many lives... but I wonder, did she have anything that she wanted to accomplish, that she did not? (Other than the obvious, kicking cancer)

It made me think about my own bucket list.  How I'm turning 33 this year, and there were things I'd hoped to have had accomplished long... long ago.
I've decided to share mine with you.

1. To visit KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa for at least 2 weeks - more if possible. (The Tembe National Elephant Reserve)

2. To get my PADI Advanced Open water dive certificate.

3. To own my own home.

4. To learn how to play cello.

5. Learn how to speak Gaelic... and possibly Latin.

6. Spend a summer at an archeology dig site.

7. Finish my Multimedia degree

8. Open a photography studio.

9. Finish my poetry book and actually publish it.

10. Set up a trust fund for Morgan so she can be taken care of when I'm gone.

That's at least 10 things from my list.  There are hundreds more.  Do you have a bucket list?

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